Play the Wii or any other Console on a Portable DVD Player
I know this is old news but I thought I'd make a tutorial for those who didn't know how to do it. This is a simple tutorial to play a console on a portable DVD Player that doesn't have the AV plugs already equipped. Sorry the tutorial is a bit quiet, but be advised at around 5:45-ish I turn the speaker up for sound test (so it gets quite loud in case you turn your speaker up). Hope you enjoy! Here is the link to RadioShack for the AV coupler Here is a link off Newegg with a long list of various power inverters for the car...go for name brand products like Tripp-lite (I use that brand) or Cyber-Power. On the Wii's power converter it states Input is 53 Watts so keep that in also want one that is converting the standard 12V cigarette lighter plug to useable 120V AC (I think my Tripp-Lite is 300W and mine has only one power plug...not sure how good the multiple ones are). Here's the link: ************************************* The one the list that's called: TRIPP LITE PV375 375W Power Inverter, looks decent Here's the link for a cool DVD player mount for the car:
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